Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Personal Statement Blog #1

Blog #1 Personal Statement
Please write a Statement and post it in the comment section. Please write it before you look at everyone else's statement. Create the statement for the following question: To what extent, and in what ways has being a student at Roosevelt High School affected you? (Yes, some of you are new but focus on your high school career in general)

Many questions can be answered by considering the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic factors related to the question.

Political - In most areas of life, there is some sort of leadership/government entity that allows things to function effectively. Imagine class without me there???? When you examine your question, consider the political effects. For example, does Renaissance humanism have a political effect. I think you could argue that it does when you consider the concept of civic humanism/purpose of education.

Economic - $$$ is a huge motivator, and is often a necessity. Are jobs affected, whole nation's economies, are people in specialized fields affected??? For example does Renaissance humanism have an economic effect. I think you could argue that it does because an emphasis on studying antiquities and copying the past leads to artists who create works of art, and it changes the role of the artist in society.

Religious - Religious beliefs are a large part of life for many people. People turn to religion to understand the world in which they live. Religious beliefs permeate through society and have an effect on laws, education....etc.. For example, does Renaissance humanism have an effect on religious thought? you bet. From the sacred to the secular.

Social - How do people form themselves into groups. How do we organize ourselves. Look at the groups that hang out at lunch? Was there a social effect of Renaissance humanism?

Intellectual - Intellectuals spend their time thinking about the big picture. Are there new ideas? are there justifications for certain actions? Do intellectuals inspire leaders? Usually intellectual ideas are a bridge between the political, religious, economic, and social.

Artistic - How do we express ourselves? What does that say about society?

My point is that many of your thesis statements can discuss these different areas of human life. I think you could add technological, but it does not fit the acronym so just put technological under intellectual.

: )Hope this helps.


RICO;p2012 said...
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COACH NEAL said...

Sample Student Response: Being a student in high school has greatly affected me. It is to the extent that, school is probably the most important factor in my life. it has accustomed me to like structure and order. in this failing economy, and flawed government system, money is becoming a greater issue. Money is a critical component of a students road to success. As a student in a school of mixed cultures, races, languages, religions, and life situations, i have come to embrace my values, expectations, and morals. Religion has had a bigger impact on me as a high school student than ever before. It influences what i value and what i consider, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, ethical or unethical. As a high school student, i tend to hang out with people that hold the same values, interests, and ambitions as me. High school as also broadened perspectives over different issues. I believe high school teachers tend to be more open and direct with students about important affairs. i have learned much through teacher-student dialogue. i have also found that high school is a more liberal place to express oneself. I believe it is here, in high school, where some people may finally determine what he/she wants from life. High school has personally influenced and affected me to the greatest extent.

RICO;p2012 said...

Being a student here at Eleanor Roosevelt High School has not only dramatically affected me to the greatest extent as a student, but also as a person. Being a student here has made me feel as a responsible young adult by being able to interpret the impotance of education. I can now understand how it is truly needed in order to succeed in life. Being a student here has also definately changed me as a person. I am now able to realize that always being yourself leads you in the right direction and helps you accomplish your goals. Being myself helps me hang out with the right people. Not only people who make me feel good for being myself, but people who have the same basic morals and values as I do. This makes it so much easier because we all can relate to each other in some sort of way. Religion has also had a major affect on me being a high school student. Having God by my side truly does make a difference in everything that I go through. Being in high school really puts into perspective how each individual is unique in their own way and how all of us come from different backgrounds. Being a diverse school helps us all in determining what we want out of life because all of us think differently. Learning about political leaders has also had a big impact on me. Seeing everything that these leader's do for people truly inspires me to be a leader and role model to my peers and siblings. I believe that being a part of ASB at our school is helping in letting my peers look up to me as their leader. Only being a sophomore, this school has shown me enough to last a lifetime. All in all I believe that high school is a benefit to EVERYONE and it affects you to the greatest extent.
-Alyssa Rico

sharonnxx said...

As students transition to another part of their life, their golden years of high school, they come to realize many things. They realize who their real friends are, what they want to do with their life, and most importantly, they find their true identity. High school is a chapter in my life that i don't want to take for granted. I believe it is a time for making long-term goals and potentially achieving most of them. High school really shapes who you become as a person and to the society. The people who i call my friends, are the people who help me make positive decisions and who i depend on for difficult situations. Even though most of my friends have different personalities and traits, we respect each other and understand each others' differences and values. This makes me stronger as a person because it helps me to become open-minded. This characteristic will prepare me in the future when I'm with people with diverse backgrounds and different ideas. I also think economy is involved with students because it affects their environment at home and their neighborhood. Money is important to a student because it ensures fine education. I expect a roller coaster ride throughout high school, but i am willing to pursue my academic goals within the four years.

amandazac'12 said...
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amandazac'12 said...

Being a student at Eleanor Roosevelt Highschool has completely altered some of my weaknesses as a student and as a person. In the short time I have attended this school I feel I have exceeded knowledge beyond assignments and textbooks. I have learned to set realistic goals for myself and never to give up. As a major procrastinator, I have become educated in the importance of promptness and preparedness. I have pushed myself academically and physically in athletics. I am a wiser and more mature person dealing with the ideals that "real life" is upcoming in my horizon. I now, more than often, visulize my future as far as college and a career. I see the places life will take me beyond school as well. I understand that being a well rounded individual is more realistic intellectually. I am a young adult ready for the challenges life brings me. I am a more religious person than ever. God gets me through the toughest times and I know that I can do all things through Christ, who strenghtens me. When times are tough at home or with friends I am filled with a sense of peace that I will always have my faith and morals, which are frequently put to the test in highschool. The people I surround myself with while I here are very important. I have watched friends be pulledd down by others with immoral things like drugs, this breaks my heart because the potential that person once showed is now flawed by serious future consequences. I thank this school and it's faculty for helping to mold my future as a citizen and a student. In every one of my classes from freshman year I have walked away not only a smarter, more educated student, but proud to have done what I could in that class. I have been blessed to have known unforgettable teachers who set course in helping me become smarter and more in touch with life. I will never forget those people. Although, live goes on and I soon will be in college I can never not thank the people here, who so greatly impacted the Amanda that is present now. School is tough sometimes. I am used to being stressed. I am used to working and feeling like I am seeing no new result. I am used to having a bad test here and there, but I am never ok willing to accept giving up. Just like the economy; falling apart, i know it will be rebuilt. I am the future generation of America, and seeing it struggle is a motivation to be at the top of my game when I am an adult. Like President Obama encourages us to continue striving for our education because we ARE the future. I can succeed, therefore I will. While being here I have worked to be in the ASB, which is something I truelt respect because without ASB ERHS would not be the way it is now. The fun and seriouslness of school just wouldn't exist. I am so honored to be apart of this elite club because like the congress, we make decisions and hold a high political ranking among campus. Eleanor Roosevelt Highschool is just one of the many stepping stones in my life which ultimately creates me, Amanda Zachwieja.This school has allowed me to express myself in any ways i choose. Artistic expression is vital to individulism and allows students to appreciate and accept the true definition of dviversity. What this school can offer me may not offer one of my piers in the same way, but everyone has equal opportunity. Examples include: sports, clubs and programs. For the remainder of my time here, while I attend this school, I keep in mind: If the sky is the limit, then watch me fly. While being here I have earned alot of character and I am proud to say by senior year I will be just that much better of a person and a student ready to conquer the real world. Here we come class of '12!

Blaise Inman said...
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Tiffany.t said...

Being a student at Eleanor Roosevelt high school has affected me in severral ways. I moved to Corona after living in Pennsylvania for 5 years. I was forced to start over compleatly. Insteaad of going into my freshman year with my set group of friends i had to start my high school career solo. The East coast is alot different from the California. Here, it is much more diverse in every way-economicaly, religiously, culruraly, ect- and i still have yet to find my niche. Things like that have affected me in negative ways. on a positve note I have realised how important my family is to me.
Economicaly, California is very different from where i came from. There everyone dresses the same, they drive the same cars- it's much more of a equal social standing. Coming here I've been able to see a much more diverse economy and different ways of life. That it's self has affected me in a somewhat positive way since i have been exposed to such different lifestyles. I've been able to see that just by coming to school everyday. High school has affected me in ways I never thought it would.

Unknown said...

Being a student in high school has greatly affected me. When I first went to high school, I only thought about how much homework I was going to get, how much drama there will be during high school etc. However, now that I'm a 10th grader, I have come to realize how much this has helped within my personal life. Being a high school student has given me many new tips and tactics to take on university, and even medical school! However, some high schools are not that up to par with other high schools. But, I feel it is up to us, the students, to MAKE the best out of the resources we get from this school. I felt that I have been taking advantages of the resources available in our school, and have noticed greater level of thinking/logic. High school has affected me personally, and even mentally.

ceenguyen said...

Being a student in high school has influenced me in many ways. As life goes on, we make such a great transition from middle school, to high school. As I went to the doors as a ninth grader, all I really thought about was getting good grades, doing my homework, and eventually going to college. But, walking in the door as a tenth grader, I learned that, homework and school is my priority, but I realized that I don't make my decisions on my own yet, my parents and my friends and teachers help me make my decisions as a teenager. The falling of our economy has made a total difference in my life, and to many others. Money is a critical part of my school life, and the life that goes on after. Being a sophomore made me really open my eyes on whose my real friends in life. Me being a catholic has made the best influence of my life, it has helped me so much to be how I am today, and for the rest of my life. High school years will not be a time I will regret in any way. Although, my friends and I have many different personalities and varies in many ways, I believe that everyone I do hang out with has changed my life dramatically, and influenced me in any way possible. High school is a very complicating part of everyone's life but we come to grasp the whole being in a higher standard, and being able to cope with our surroundings. If we did not have teachers in class, I think I wouldn't be able to learn anything. Even if they do give homework and classwork and projects, those are the criteria that helps us pass and through all of our classes, and going to a good college. High school really is the time where everything gets serious, and after we get out of high school, we start our lives knowing what we grasp in high school. High school really has changed me mentally and physically, and I can't regret any of it.

juliafranco said...

Being a student at Roosevelt Highschool has not only made me a much more well rounded individual, but a responsible adult. I am growing everyday. Each time I step into class I learn, not only about math or history, but about life long tools that will help me to better my future. School is one of my main priorities in life, and for me to expierience a good education at Roosevelt Highschool is such a great oppurtunity. I can definitely say that I have done a lot of "growing up" in these past two years, school has given me a reality check. A wake up call. It told me that I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I have learned that it all starts now, and it all starts here. Highschool will be my building blocks for my future. What I do now, will affect what I do later. Eleanor Roosevelt Highschool has had such an influence on me. A very positive and strong influence .

Gbogo Adebayo-Ige said...

Being a student at ERHS has greatly affected me. Not only has it affected me in terms of my knowledge, but it has affected me physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, (all of the -allys :) As I make a transition into the next step of my life, what I've learned in this school will help me ease into that transition. The way that Coach Vanderweerd pushes me at soccer practice tells me to work hard not only on the field, but in all of the aspects of my life. Having met so many unique people have made me a better-rounded person. Having taken the classes I've taken and having done the work has helped me to prioritize my work and improve my efficiency in my work. Not only has my high school affected me, but my high school years in general in how I have matured in all of the aspects I have mentioned above, so attending ERHS has greatly affected me as a person.

giu raymundo said...

Being a student in high school has greatly affected me. As i entered high school i thought it would be the same as middle school all over again just lots of more people, more homework, and bigger campus. But i was wrong, high school was much more than just another 4 years of school highschool has made me a more open person socially which help me in the university mind set because not all of my friends will go to the same university as myself. So i have to be more open as a person in order to meet new people with the same goals and aspirations as me. High school as also taught me very good study habits which well come in handy during college years since there will be much more studying then in high school. Another thing highschool has taught me outside the classroom is to have sportsmanship, because not until highschool i joined a team and had teamates. Being on a team made me have closer friends cause we had something in common, and i learned to listen and cooperate more making me a faster learner in the sport. High school is what you make it, i believe that if i make the most out of my highschool years the easier and less stressful it wil be when i go to college and the more fun i can have due to the life lessons high school has taught me.

Roosevelt said...

For me being a student here at Eleanor Rooservelt High School has greatly impacted me. Being in high school is very important to me and is also a very exiting time for me. In high school i first believed that i would have to work so much and study and i was right. Though school is hectic and frustrating at sometimes i always manage to pull through either my friends are there for me or i just set my mind to working hard and i end up succeding. In high school there are many challenges such as school work, friends, and even relationships with family. Like being able to hang out with your friends any time you want but are stuck doing school work but in the end it is truely worth it. For there are truely more oppertunities for you and more eligeable jobs that you could have by succeding in you school work. I truely want to do good in my school work and life. High school may have affected the way that i do my work but i still stay strong in keeping to the standards of my church (the church of jesus christ of latter day saints). Their are many challenges that eveyone goes through but at Rooservelt High School the teachers and staff make your life a whole lot easier and are very nice such as coach neal i feel at this high school safe, being able to have fun, and this high school has many great classes to take to help you to get on the right path. Here i have been able to make many friends throughout my days here at Eleanor Roservelt High School and are all very helpful, fun to be around, and keep to the standards that i follow from my church and parents, high school overall has really afected me in the way i act i have become very organized and more succesful in my classes each year. Do to the fact that i am learning every day on how to improve, like the boy scouts of america slogan "do a good turn daily". I continuously hope to improve every year and i can't wait till 2012 when i graduate because of how i took school seriously and i was succesful. Eleanor Rooservelt has truely impacted my coure of life and i am greatful for that.

JamesLee said...

Being a student in ERHS didnt really affect me but affected me a little during freshman year. But i started to get affected more in the begging of sophomore year. i didnt take school seriously because it was easy. Now that im taking challenging classes its starting to affect me. As a 9th grade I use to be a procrastinator but im starting to procrastinate less and less. I have started to become more mature when school started. As i progress though high school i made newer friends who would help me out and set a positive feeling towards me. I noticed that high school friends are your real friends.

nartanna said...

As I entered high school, I had the mindset that high school was going to be a breeze. I was right for the first year being a freshman. However, once sophomore year begin, I knew I had to change and improve my ways. I was able to observe the changes of Eleanor Roosevelt High School. The budget cuts were one by one changing how the school used to be. Even though it may seem like little changes me, but it has helped me analyze the bigger changes in our society. Doing well in school is more important now then ever. There is such a high competition out there among everyone trying to get into the best schools. Sophomore year seem to be the year that sets the foundation of the next two important years of high school. First week of school helped me reflect what I wanted in myself and how I was going to work for it. So far sophomore has not been a breeze, but I will continue doing my best to survival the next two years hoping for a better future. High school has changed me into a more responsible and manageable person.

Cindy said...

Though my high school career has been short, many aspects of the real world has impacted me during this brief time period, more so than when I was in middle school. When I was younger, being informed and staying up to date with current events wasn't a major priority in my life. Now I understand that in order to make well-rounded choices in my life, it is important to know what is going in, to know what my choices could impact my future. Religion has been a big factor of change in my life too. I learned that people might use religion to justify things that shouldn't be supported by religion. Even so, these choices that other people make are not mine, and even though I disagree with them, I must learn to accept other people's point of view. Though a social aspect, learning to communicated effectively in order to maintain good and healthy relationships is very important to me too. Intellectually, I will continue to strive to do my best and push myself to the extent of what I can offer. Even though my high school experiences are far from over, I know what with each and every day, and each and every people I meet, I only step forward to make myself a better person and a prepared person for the real world.

Anonymous said...

Being a high school student at eleanor roosevelt high school has had a great impact on my life. It has taught me to be mature, reaponsible, repectful of other and myself, and most importantly to learn to be myself. Being here has changed my life i made many new freinds every year and that has just taught me that no matter how close you are with someone you still can't fully trust then and become depandant of that person. I have lost many friends for that matter and in the end i just realized that friends come and go like the wind. I also learned to be more responsible by making a better homework processes to not procrastinate as i did before and just get it done and have time for everythig else late. Religion in school also has taught me to be very mature and accept people as they are. I have been teased and called names for my religon. I know what it feels like to be the one being laughed at and i would never put anyone else in that position. I just think it cruel and imature. The economy today is not the greatest and i know that it will be a struggle for me especially since i am just a sophmore in high school i will have to make the best of it and keep on going strong and focusing on my grades. My friends today are all different some are mean some are great others just have this joy to them. In a way high school just has helped to mold who i am and what i believe in and how i see things. Also that people always have a choice and that they should strive for what they want, for nothing is impossible if you work hard enough for it.

laurenG said...

Since starting High School my life has been changed in many different ways. With the warnings from middle school i already came to high school with the mindset that it wasen't gonna be a breeze academic wise. Being in high school for these past years have really pushed my boundaries socially because i used to be really shy, but now i've stepped out of my shell a bit and not only make friends with people in my comfort zone but also choose to step out a bit. High school is one of the places where you began to mold yourself, find out who you really are, and your morals and views on life. Religion has also really affected me because it helps me to make the right decisions alot of the time on what i already know is right and wrong. So far i realized that high school has affected me in many ways i didn't even know. Mentally i think i still have alot to learn and i practice everyday with my friends trying to learn to be more open minded and know everyone is not the same and have different opinions.Sometimes i even wish i would listen to myself a little bit more because i realized that sometimes in my mind or heart i know what the right thing to do is.Everyday i learn something new about myself or realize a way that i've grown as a person. I hope that as i progress things can only get better. Even though so far sophmore year has been a struggle for me i know that at the end in 2012 it'll be worth it all.

caracara14 said...

Sophmore year is going quite smoothly,considering all of the expectations we must live up to and exceed. Of course there are distractions; such as beautiful baseball players that could possibly distract one from one's work. However, everything is going smoothly at my end. Coach Neal is a very kind and driving teacher. His class is always a joy to be a part of. If you didn't get my e-mail,this is Sophia Lux-Archer of your 1st period. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stevenmperkins said...

The perception of High School is different for each individual. My name is Steven Perkins, and I am a Sophomore at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Corona, California. Through my experiences of High School so far, I’ve come to realize that I honestly learn something new every day, whether I consciously realize it or not. I learn things inside the classroom, and also lessons outside the classroom. People mature, evolve, and change in High School. Every part of High School has affected me; My school life, my home life, my social life, and the world around me. At school, there are students with very different lifestyles (morals, beliefs, religioins, etc.) This has forced me to stick to and amplify my own personality making me into a stronger individual. Choosing friends is difficult, because you want friends you can relate to and have a good time around without them being a bad influence. I know I have good friends that I can stick to, and go to when I need help. I believe in God, and having religion in my life gives me inspiration. Through high school, I believe I have become more liberal with my views, and more tolerant of all kinds of life. I believe that self-expression is very important, and idividualality is vital to creating a good community. I play baseball, I am a pitcher and outfielder. This has been a great escape for me, letting me let go of my problems for a little time of every day. It has also kept me fit and healthy. Because of my schedule, I am forced to stay focused and I believe that has helped me mature as in individual. High school is a time of confusion, decision, and growing. It is our job to make the best of it.

claudiat_15 said...
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claudiat_15 said...

I believe being a student in ERHS has changed my way of thinking and the perspective from where I view things. I have experienced many things that have led me to question what do I want in my future. Lately ive been looking into the artistic careers and the army. The thing is though that through time our interests change and we end up doing something different then from what we started persuing. But I have also put in mind that no matter what i choose in becoming im not going to let obstacles stop me from continuing my path. Highs school is about finding yourself, discovering your talents and learning about your surroundings.Altough high school should be taken seriosuly it is also a great part of life were we interact and have fun.

mariallamas said...
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mariallamas said...

High school is a transition from young adolescents to mature adults. We change over time, we gain knowledge of the world. As a student at Eleanor Roosevelt High school i learned to push myself, to become a better person to succeed in life. We have many great classes like AP to help us in the future. Since the economy in the world has decrease in the past few years i've learn the value of education and the options i have to earn college credit for the future, it helps my parent save money for the career i later choose. When we are young life seems easy it passes us by but once your a teenager life changes, you make decisions that will affect you in a good way or bad. My parents are very religious, I've grow up with morals and rights and i actually learned the meaning of these words. God has really influence my years at ERHS since I've started in '08. I've learn to treat people, respect their values and not quickly judge them especially when at school there are all different kinds of races. I learned to appreciate the culture and be fascinated by their way of living because no one is the same. We make up a community and people should all be fair, life is more then being judgmental its about creating meaningful friendships. My friends are all different, they make me the person i am, they shape me, they are my family away from home. I am not attentive to politics or elections, its a part of life that doesn't interest me as much as saving the planet from global warming whose impacts have change me and my family. High school has changed me to be the person i want to be, the friendships i've made and the education i want.

joannaisOG said...

Being a student at ERHS has given me a completely different take on life, and a different perspective on many things. Going through high school has definitely proved to be challenging. I have already undergone many things i didn't think i would ever do, educationally speaking. I am being pushed to my limit more and more each day. But, my good influences around me keep me strong, and i can only hope that things will get better in ERHS. My good influences, such as my close friends & family, are my support so far in high school. My family supports my education financially, and my close friends support me mentally. Not only has ERHS changed me as a person, by making me stronger, it has showed me a lot about life. High school has showed me that you can either make good decisions, or bad decisions. My religion has led me to the direction that is meant for me, and to the good direction i am taking. Making the right decision in high school can help you make better choices in the future, which pertains to what kinda of person you wil be later on in life.
Going by what i learn, achieve, and succed on in ERHS, makes me realize what is truly needed in life. By attending ERHS, i have been influenced by all aspects of society, and judging by the good choices i have made, i will continue to succeed in high school, and in life.

Blaise Inman said...

Being in high school is a completely different experience than anything I have experienced in elementary or middle school. Not only socially speaking, but especially academically. Freshman year was not too different for me because it didn't present a great challenge for me but at the start of my sophomore year, I knew it was going to be another entirely different experience. Most of my classes have been a challenge. They present much more work than I have had to deal with in the past. It is also surprising how different your friends are as you move through your years of school. Many of the people I used to be close to are no longer as close as they had been in earlier years, but there are people who I had never known and now I am very close with them. There are many obstacles in high school but I believe that the knowledge I have gained in the last two years will help me overcome them.

catsayshilynn said...

Being a student at Eleanor Roosevelt High School has had a great impact on me. I'm realizing that what I do now will affect me in the long run. I have learned to prioritize what is really important to my future and what I want to become. School is at the top of my list. I have set a standard for myself and I will try to never go below it. High school has also made me more open to new people and opportunities to explore new hobbies such as photography and ceramics in my future classes.

RachelFaria said...

Being a student at Roosevelt High School has dramatically affected my life. It has made me aware that school is probably the most important part of my life right now. It has made me realize that if I’m going to do anything in life I’m going to need to work hard for it. Most jobs today require a lot more education than they used to. I have also learned how to be responsible with the work I do and the time I need to manage to do the work. Aside from the work being in high school has taught me about life in general. It has made me a stronger person and more responsible. When the time comes for me to go away to college I’m sure that the choices and habits I’ve made in high school will help me to be not only a good student but a good person. High school is only as good as you make it, and I’m sure the things I do will make my high school years amazing and wonderful.

yvettem said...

Being a student at ERHS has greatly impacted me as an individual. Not only do I learn about English or History but I learn valuable things that I will need throughout my life.High School teaches you responsibility and order.Everyday i push my self to my limits, since I know that what I do today will affect who I am tomorrow. With my religion and my morals i have made decisions that are right for me. In high school what decisions you make and your actions, reflect on the kind of person you are. Not everyone in high school has the same religion, culture, or morals as me, but this has made my belief in my religion stronger. It has also made me stand up for what i believe in. High school is a "mini real world" it shows you to some extent how the real world will be, and what things you will need to be able to do. High school has truly influenced be in a good way.

Angel said...

being student at erhs has affected me in a negative and a positive way. It was affected me in a negative way because it is hard to just come in to a high new high school my sophomore year. it has affected me in a very positive way because this school is more organized and the teachers are better here.i learn a lot more because the teachers are very helpful. this high school can really affect me in a positive way because i can strive for more here and it is much more demanding.

briaaana said...

Being a student here at Eleanor Roosevelt High School so far has been a different learning experience for me. Coming from a private school, K-8, is very different. It's not only the teachings that are different, but also the people, and what I have observed. High school to me, is like another step of developing to become a successful adult. To me, these years in my life are really important. It'll make me who I am in the future and help me in different obstacles in life. I have a feeling high school is going to be a mentally, physically, and spiritual journey for me. At our age now, there are so many trials or obstacles we face. High school isn't easy. I try my best to succeed and be the best I can be. Being born as a Catholic, I always tell myself "God doesn't count how many times you fall, but how many times you get up.."
The surroundings of school really influence who I am. The people I hang out with, teachers and just things I see or hear. When I have a hard time, my friends or family are the ones who are there helping me through that. These things help me become stronger. High school has affected me in a positive way. I hope my next two years will also.

Stacie Ann said...

Being a student in Eleanor Roosevelt High School has affected me a lot as a student, but also as a young adult. It has taught me to be a more mature and sensible person. While attending this school I have realized how much of an impact education is on my life. Because of how our economy has decreased over the years I have come to appreciate the value of my education. I have learned that I must really strive for the best here in high school, in order for me to have a good future. School has taught me to prioritize what is really important and to set goals for the future. Everyday I try to push myself to reach my goals. High school has also helped me socially as an individual. Before I started my freshman year I was very shy and to myself, but as time progressed I began to break out of quiet shell. I have made many new friends that keep me sane throughout my days at school. My family has always been very religious. In high school, God has really influenced me. I have learned to value my morals and I also respect others as well because Eleanor Roosevelt has many students of different religions and cultures. I try to embrace others’ cultures because I always learn something new. I don’t expect an easy three more years during my attendance here at EHRS, but I am ready for the obstacles ahead. High school is preparing me for the real world, and it has truly affected me in a positive way.

Unknown said...

Being a student at Eleanor Roosevelt High has affected me as a student and as person in general. It has opened my eyes to a lot. High school is a challenge for many. From freshman year to now, senior year, i have learned a lot and how life isn't that all easy. I have come through a lot of trials in my life and i can honestly say at times i have wanted to quit. But once you quit, you will never prosper and grow. At 17 years old, i have fully grasped the meaning of "the real world" and i know life is not going to be easy. Our jobs are not going to be handed to us. We need to earn them. While applying to colleges, I am realizing it is a lot of money. But, money is apart of education and if you want to continue on, you will need that money to succeed. Moving here has changed me a lot. Here, we are very diverse and experience many new things from eachother everyday. And instead of being mean to one another or hurtful, we should embrace eachother and learn a new thing about eachother. Being in high school is a great experience and I can honestly say I will truely miss it.
-Melissa Godino

adam cardon said...

Being a student at roosevelt have changed me academically but also personally too. All the teachers ive had are always pushing me to do my best and are always happy to help. I came to this school as a freshman living in another city which i still live in to this day. I was quiet and shy and didnt know a single person. But, the kids at roosevelt are the hands down nicest people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. It has truly been an honor going to this fine school.

Ian Taylor said...

Being a student at ERHS has made me realize that i need to do something with my life. I usually mess up alot and dont always complete things that i need to. An example is me not completing this blog when it was due. A simple mistake that has a great impact on my grade. So I understand I need to do my work, but apparently i dont understand that i have to focus to complete something. I find it hard to concentrate most of the time. My mind wonders more then I would like and that slows me down. I do try to focus, but this world is interesting. It is also boring though. I seem to get bored with alot of things, which makes it hard for me to complete my assignments. Generally, I find school easy, but i end up complicating it with my own problems. So I've learned to exclude myself from everyone in a way. I feel that i can do great things with my life, but I still haven't found a way to do great things. This is what I've realized by being a student at ERHS.

Blake said...

Being a student at Roosevelt has greatly effected me. It has made me see what life will be like after high school. I will have to relay on myself if I want to succeed.I have experienced many different religons, races,languges,cultures, and life situations. Religon has hit me like a brick wall,in middle school it almost never came up in conversion but in high school it comes up quite often.The races are so diverse that i was overwhelmed my first day of high school. All the different languges are amazing. Sometimes there are different languges for the same country. The different cultures are amazing. I love to learn about how people celebrate a holiday differently than i do. High school has intrduced me to different life situtions. I thought that high school was going to be like it is in movies and tv shows, but i was suprised when they were completely wrong. High school has also lead me to what i want to do after high school.

lizbethhhh said...

Having to be a student at Eleanor Roosevelt High School has affected me a lot in many ways. It is like the next huge chapter that enters in my life and makes me get more serious about what I want. I get to know myself better and have to work hard in high school to get a good future because I know that these four years being here would definitly be a very stressful time. I also get to meet new people and have to get to know them. I get to learn from each person and could actually get close to them. Though, there may be times when we may have differences but together we find out ways to accept each other,but in order for me to find a good friend is by honesty and respect because a real friend would always be there for me in the good and bad times. I also think that religion also has affected me because I start to figure out what life is truly about and what tests God puts me in so that I could find my way to live through life. Economic is also a big deal because money is a big issue especially in these years for so many people including me. It affects me because my parents are the ones who are being affected and having to stress about it and just by seeing them stressed makes me get stressed too. But, even though these four years would be very stressful, I know that all of this would totally be worth it. All I and everyone has to do is just believe in themselves!!