Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog #10 Modernism and Artistic Movements of the 20th Century

View the powerpoint and do additional reading and research to answer the following: How did the Age of Anxiety manifest itself in the artistic style called modernism? How did the new schools of artistic interpretation express their artistic principles in their respective media (art, photography, etc).


mac12 said...

World War I was a staggering blow to western civilization. People began to see themselves as living in an age of continual crisis, which led to the Age of Anxiety. A pessimistic view of Eurpoe emerged from the Age of Anxiety, leaving affects on several parts of society, including arts. Moderism is basically art based on modern thought. Usually modernism was glorified and optimistic, until the Age of Anxiety occured. Then the paintings, sculptures, all works of art based on modernism were created with a more pessimistic view. Characteristics of the Age of Anxiety such as Uncertainty, insecurity, violence, dillusionment, savagery, were all reflected in the works of art created. This also led to the making of new forms of art such as Secessionism, Fuave, Dadaism, and Surrealism. All of these art forms were created by the new pessimistic views contributed by the Age of Anxiety.

Articstic principles were expressed through the works of their artists, philosopher, etc. As people began to see the world with more upsetting ideas and ways, people began rejecting faith in progress and the power of the human rational mind. This led to the darker, more nihilstic works of art.

adam cardon said...

The turn of the 20th century didnt treat Europe and as a matter of fact the rest of the world very nicely. The great depressin affected everybody and world war I devastated everything that came into its path. People were moving out the romantic way of thinking from the late 1800's as it was unreal and didnt deal with any issues. The age anixiety offcially killed this way of thinking. This spawned a change in modernism as it changes with the times. This came from the people looking at their surrondings clearly and recording what they saw. Everyone was also disatisfied and not generally happy with what the way things were. Art is a big example of this trend of sadness.Styles included expressionism, secessionists, fauve, cubism, dada, surrealism, and bauhaus. Bright colors were used to describe a range of emotions to add more bang to a picture. Also colors could be used in a uncontrolauble way to show choas. Sexual desires were also a big part as the male want for control and sucess turned into lust showed in paintings. Shapes were used to show more emotion as it showed different "sides". Paintings could even show their meanings right out in the open buy showing political figures using the things mentioned above. Photography also began to docment hardship with the hopes of a utopian society.

I agree with mac because modrenism did trasnher from being potimistic to be being sad. Europe hadn't had a major conflict in some time and romantisicism was at its peak. With the great depression and devastation of world war I modren thought change causing the defintion of modrenism to change to a drak place.

I also agree with him that people no longer belived in any kind of faith and the ppower of the humna mind. With Hitler,Mussolini,and Stalin all teaching that is wrong and brainwashing their people into a single way of thinking, These caused personal thought to go away. Anyone who still thought on their own recorded what they saw. Also religon was being persecuted and people did what was best for the country first.

Anonymous said...

During WWI many people were living a finalcial crisis at home. It was not until it lead to the age of anxiety that the views of the people within Europe started to give thier attentions to something other than the war. Such things as art, music, movies, and etc. The new kinds of styles of art that started to come about during this time was expressionism, secessionists, fauve, cubism, dada, surrealism, and bahaus. Each style of art was different and prtrayed something new. An example of different are styles would be expressionism and cubism. Expressionism would rely on the usage of colors to set a mood or an emotion within the viewer. Cubism on the other hand was broken down and then reasembled into an abstract form. All these art form/styles contribute very thoroughly to the age of anxiety.

2 student responces:

I agree with mac12 becuse modernism mostly did glorified the age of anxiety. For one it was made up of many different people and different emotions. Once modern paintings were very happy, however after that war the painting started to get gloomy and blue. I also do agree that this lead to new ways and new styles of art that later changed the way people viewed art for a long period of time.

I also agree with adam because the great depression did affect everyone. Not only did it hit bad in Europe, but also in the U.S. The great depression had been something global. Many people did not know how to express thier feelings and well art was a way that many did so in expressing thier grief. I agree that paintings were a big nig part in the age of anxiety that in a way showed reief for the people.

adesuyo said...

During the Age of Anxiety, pessimistic views about the world were common. This ultimately affected the European society and pessimism was reflected in the arts. The Age of Anxiety manifested itself in the artistic style of modernism, art based on modern thought, character or practice, by displaying art that was basically pessimistic. It was an age filled with confusion, doubts, wonder, and worry and these emotions were reflected in the arts published during this period.

Artistic principles were expressed in a variety of ways. Movies and music arose during the Age of Anxiety and artists found found various ways to express their principles through them. These newer forms of art made it easier for the public to be exposed to propaganda, etc.


I agree with mac12 that during the Age of Anxiety, society became more pessimistic. The aftermath of World War I and the Great Depression put European society in a devastating state, causing the citizens to have no faith and optimism.

I agree with adam cardon that the Great depression had a devastating affect to the European nation and other nations as well, including the United States. Since the United States and Europe were connected in some way, when one collapsed, the other will be affected as well.

mrn said...

During the settling period after World War I, also known as the Age of Anxiety,the world of Art took a dramatic change in its style. This was due to the fact that WW1 had left Europe devastated. People's views on the world and previous believes had changed drastically. Before the war most people believed in progress, reason and the rights of the individual. However, after WW1 had ended people began to have many new and upsetting ideas about war, the rejection in the general faith in progress and and thought more about rational ideas. Friedrich Nietzsche even preached that "God was dead." These new ideas formed a new style of art called modernism. Art during this time period started becoming more abstract like Picasso's cubist paintings. Also the art style of Dadaism mirrored a post-WW1 world that no longer made sense. The new principles of the art style was expressed in music and movies.

I agree with mac12, the artwork used to be based of thoughts of glorification and optimistic views. However during the Age of Anxiety, the views that based artwork changed.Artwork now expressed the cruel world that people saw.

I also agree with Adesuyo. Artwork of modernism showed confusion, doubts, wonder, and worry. It expressed this due to the fact that this was how people at the time were feeling.People were greatly saddened by the devastation of WW1. This led to them to those feelings.

-Meghan Nee

ceenguyen said...

The Great Depression and World War I led the civilians to an Age of Anxiety. The Age of Anxiety was mostly a time with much dealt, and despair. Much art was reflected through the Age of Anxiety, the different portraits, music, sculptures, was based on pessimism, and disillusionment. Modernism was directly proportional to the Age of Anxiety, due to much of the World War I causes. With the Age of Anxiety, media, photography, music, etc, was collaborative during this time. The Age of Anxiety was sought to find much artists, and spread propaganda throughout Europe, the Age of Anxiety made it much easier for artist to draw portraits, because of the real life, and cubism was played much during this time.

2 responses:
I agree with mac12 when she explains the criteria of pessimism during this time, the Age of Anxiety was revolved around disillusionment, violence, and savagery.

I also agree with adesuyo, when she talks about the Age of Anxiety being a time of doubts, wonders, questions unanswered, and confusion.

Gbogo Adebayo-Ige said...

Modernism, which is basically modern thought, started as an extension of the artistic form of Romanticism, though modernism experienced many changes through its history. In its early stages, it was influences by the theories of thinkers such as Sigmund Freud and Enrst Masch. Modernism continued these features until a little bit after the turn of the 20th century.

Before, during, and after World War I, there was a growing tension and a feeling of uneasiness in society. This was evident especially after World War I, leading to the Age of Anxiety. These social developments came to then define modernism, which then became more negative, it became more pessimistic, it rejected social progress and approved social disruption. These features spread out to other movements like fururism, Dadaism, and surrealism. Concluding this, the dwindling social atmosphere during post-WWI greatly affected the works of modernism during the Age of Anxiety.

I agree with mac12 when he stated how the characteristics of the Age of Anxiety affected modernism at that time. These features, which were violence, insecurity, were examples that he used to state how they affected modernism at that time.

I also agree with adesuyo when she said how the pessimistic views of society manifested itself in modernism. These views were affected by the mindset of society of that time after the Great War because of the failing governments, failing economies, and so forth.

Anonymous said...

The Age of Anxiety manifested itself by its affect on the people. It made the people have a "wake-up" call and face the reality that they were in. Likewise, the artists also faced the true world and by being influenced by this atmosphere, they transferred their emotions, thoughts, and feelings into the paintings that ensued years later.

Modernism was a form of art that showed the real world. This had a much more stronger impact because the age of anxiety affected a wide variety of people. From peasants to the upper classes.

The new schools expressed their artistic principles in several different types of art. Some range from the eccentric cubism art, whiles others spanned into the Fauve type. All however connects to the emotions and thoughts stemmed from the Age of Anxiety, and even the years after.

Other types of art were created. Some were photographs while others were movies. These do have a significant value towards the Art category, however they could be used for something even bigger. Something as big as propaganda. Real life shots and footage have a deeper meaning into it than art that are portrayed by artists, who could be biased in their position.
I agree with Adesuyo on how art such as movies could be used for other purposes such as propaganda. This could be a significant way for political leaders such as hitler to gain support

I also agree with Ceenguyen on how modernism was directly proportional to the Age of Anxiety because the Age of anxiety influenced modernism very greatly, as it stemmed from the reactions of the people that lived during its time.

nartanna said...

The Age of Anxiety was a time period in which society thought completely negatively upon human nature. There is a sense of uncertainty whether what was the truth and how to deal with reality. Modernism focused on avoiding traditional art, literature, and way of life. Due to the WWI, people had a different perspective of the world. They were unhappy with art movements such as Romanticism, which "sugar-coated" the truth. This time period, Age of Anxiety, influenced expressionism, sucessionism, fauve, cubism, dada, and surrealism. National art schools were established during this time to encourage the different and changing art movements.

nartanna said...

In response to d_duarte, I agree that the Age of Anxiety helped Europeans give some attention to art and literature. However, I would not say it was too much of a positive attention. They used art to capture and voice their negative opinion about the would and how the war had affected their life. Through expressionism, artist used colors to explain their emotions. Observers can analyze the conflicted feelings the artistic must feel during this time like in Edvard Munch "The Scream."

nartanna said...

I agree with adesuyo that the during the Age of Anxiety, writers and artists all shared a pessimistic view about the world. Society became confused on what was a truth. This feeling of uncertainty reflected in their work. Paintings were more radical. Especially through Cubism and DaDa, the main focus of the painting is very abstract.

Anonymous said...

Modernism, being the movement of westernization or western though, was encompassed and modified during the Age of Anxiety. The Age of Anxiety, being the questioning of surrounding forces in the 1900’s, was only illuminated into an already existent art form of Modernism. This modernism originally illustrated western ideas, the enlightenment, positive depictures of faith and science spawning, from what historians argue, the early 1800’s. With scientific discoveries being disproved and wars that made many feel that humanity was lost, these attitudes sunk into the media and society through art, literature, and radio. The art should not be seen as purely negative in that most of the paintings, books, poetry, and other writings all share anti-realism and uncertainty. Sexually, the human body was portrayed as hurt or morally impaired. Militaristically, the forces were almost always painted as unjust. Many paintings even portrayed reality as uncertain along with government and science. In writings, government and morality are also depicted as unclear.

Artistic academies and groups spread this idea and many different art forms flourished as a result. Expressionism, Orphism, purism precisionism, futurism, rayonism, suprematism, constructivism, and many more art forms began to leek into literature and radio. Students combined many techniques of the past like 3-point, impressionism, and surrealism to depict their emotions. These emotions brought on by the Age of Anxiety in return, created many reversals to the traditional artistic movements. Expressionism, filled with bright colors, changed during the Age of Anxiety and became black expressionism which was the reversal of brightly colored pictures. Modernism, however, was only occurring in cretin countries in cretin times due to censorship and governments who glorified themselves. This is significant because it explains why countries like Russia created constructive expressionism that lasted until the twenties. The hardships of life did reach outside Europe to westernized countries allowing for the movement to make a substancial impact leading to post modernism that is still seen today.

I agree with soccerplayer when they state that tension had a great part in the many art forms. I disagree, however, when they state that modernism first started from romanticism and was in fact an extension. It was the opposite of an extension in that it did not illuminate this art form but reversed it. Romanticism stood for ‘the old ways’ while modernism stood for ‘uncertainty in everything including government’. Modernism can be argued to have first appeared and early and the first stages of the French revolution in the western ideas were depicted to be uncertain. I agree with this person’s outline of everything else and emotional timeline they give.

I agree with ceenguyen when they state that the age of Anxiety was reflected through many different artists of different types. I do disagree however, when they state that modernism was directly proportional to the Age of Anxiety and the art was reflected through the Age of Anxiety. This would entitle that they act upon each other and bring each other up or down. It is not that modernism was reflected through this time, but that the Age of Anxiety was reflected through the already existent modernism. Modernism was an easy target for the feelings during this time because modernism, originally, depicted the certainty of things. This time period reversed it to the uncertainty of life and even reality and time; almost like an ironic insult. I do agree when you say that this period made certain art easier. I agree because of the fact that motivational support was rampid and academies were opened.

cheyenne b. said...

The Age of Anxiety was not a very good view for most people in Europe. Most of the people had a pessimistic view which led to them manifesting into modernism. Modernism is art based on modern though which most people used with their pessimitic views. The Age of Anxiety was filled with confusion and doubt so most peole turned to art.
During the Age of Anxiety new technology like advancements in art, movies, and radio also emergeed. This new technology helped people express themselves in artistic ways. Also movies and radio helped distribute propaganda to those who listened to these public services.

I agree with mac12 because most art forms were created as a result of the pessimistic views of the people. They used the art to express how they were feeling.

I also agree with soccerplayer because after WWI many were confused and uneasy after what happened during the Great Depression. Their views on this led to new art forms being created like cubism and surrealism.

Anonymous said...

Because of World War I, Europe fell into depression and pessimism. This time period became known as the Age of Anxiety. The Age of Anxiety's pessimistic views led to Modernism. Modernism was art based on realistic and modern intuition. People were beginning to think negatively after the war ended. When the art of Modernism circulated around Western Europe, other arts were pushed aside. Especially Romanticism. People were less focused on the value of nature, and more focused on what could go wrong in society. However new forms of art also took hold of civilization too. Surrealism and Seccesionism were perfect examples of the branches of Modern art. New schools of artistic interpretation expressed their views in various ways. They didnt only produce art through paintings, photography, and such. Many Modernist artists found ways to expand in music and even movies. Their art eventually led to people becoming more secular because of the harsh pessimism from modern influence and strong propaganda also became popular because of these new modernized thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cheyenne. Propaganda was spread through the growth of technology and through movies and the radio as well.

I agree with mac12 when he stated that characteristics of the Age of Anxiety included insecurity, violence, etc. They definitely affected modern thought and even went so far as to effect some political affairs like Hitler's propaganda campaign.

RICO;p2012 said...

After the First World War the Age of Anxiety quickly became a popular movement. Many began questioning the right of existence and religion. Ethics of right and wrong became distinct and many could not decide which path that they would follow. An optimistic view had become the result of the last two centuries. The modern philosophy remained the same; most people still believed in progress, reason and the rights of the individual, but the negative ideas began to fill the entire European population.
The art of modernism was based off of this same thought; it was viewed optimistically by many until the upcoming Age of Anxiety. This movmt put modernism for a spin. The once optimistic ways of art transformed of the pessimistic ways that were occurring in actual society. The forms of art included characteristics of the ongoing age of anxiety including insecurity, violence, and questioning. Propaganda became a big aspect of modernism considering how much it displayed it to the public. Modernism overly impacted Europeans at the time of the Age of Anxiety.

Jenniferbeee said...
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Jenniferbeee said...

Due to World War I, Europe became more pessimistic, which is known as the Age of Anxiety. Art during this time period became more pessimistic, and reflected how the people viewed society during this time. The Age of Anxiety was reflected through modernism, or art based on modern thought. The art during the Age of Anxiety showed how the people of this time were worried, and expressed a sense of depression. Art began to take focus on the flaws in society instead of nature. Modernism also subdivided into surrealism, expressionism, secessionism, etc.

New schools of artistic interpretation expressed their artistic principles through new forms of art, such as cubism, fuave, dadaism, etc. Not only were artistic principles spread through art, they also began to be expressed through photography, music, and movies.

I agree with adesuyo because she states that through movies and music, the public was more easily exposed to propaganda. This would make it easier for society to be exposed to propaganda due to the fact that movies and music became more of a common thing; something everyone could get a hold of.

I also agree with adam cardon because he states that the Great Depresssion affected many countries around the world, including the United States. Art became a sense of expression for the people at this time. People were able to express their emotions through art, which led to many new art forms arising.

laurenG said...

The Age of Anxiety proved to be a pessimistic time with a mass amount of confusion and negative views that swept the European nation and many used their emotions and views of what was going on around them to create a new art form called modernism. World War I and the visuals that illustrated the war left the people with little hope of progress which led to modernism. Many artists sought to capture the realness of what was going on around them instead of painting a fake society. " Dada", a form of art, even represented a world that no longer made sense which showed the confusion that many people felt after the war. Modernism focused on what was going on at that time in the present instead of the past.

I agree with nartanna about Romanticism and it "sugar-coating" the truth. Romanticism focused of nature and love and made alot of people feel as if there was no corruption going on around them. With modernism people didn't want to hide the truth.

I also agree with Richard that modernism was more effected because it affected a larger amount of people. The Age of Anxiety affected everyone in a negative way since all were affected by the war. Modernism reflected everyone's hardships that was going on during this time.

xXx State of the Union said...

In the Age of Anxiety, there were many artistic movements that expressed the ideals of this early modern era. Movements like Cubism and Bauhaus show the use of modern industry and materials; like steel, concrete, chrome, and glass: the look of the modern world. Secessionists brought the new modern ideals of sexuality of the early 1900s in America and Europe. Dada artistic pieces show the social lives of of the 20’s. Coming from Dada and psychoanalysis, the Surrealism movement saw strange and mind bottling images of the types of things you see in your dreams. Not all these artistic pieces were paintings, but photos as well. New artistic schools came and only spread this new expressions art into the population.
I agree with adam cardon in that some of pieces like Dada showed the pressing hardship for hope for a Utopian Society.
I agree with mrn in that after the war there were more rejection of faith in favor the more modern age of a Post-WWI World.

Angel said...

During the Age of Anxiety, people had lost their dreams and hopes, and they were no longer optimistic about the future. this was reflected upon the artists motives and their art. the artists showed a sense of depresiion, confusion, and unfaithfulness. this was because europe was severley devastated after the first world war. all the new artisitic moves dealt with the new emotions about the economy and society.

I agree with mac12 because world war one was the main cause for this new artisitic style. it was mainly due to wwi because it brought a depression to europe. the artists didnt look to a romantic style anymore, they reflected their emotions and society's emotions in their art.especially uncertainty, insecurity, violence, and dillusionment , just like mac12 stated.

I agree with adesuyo there were pessimistc views about europe and the rest of the world. everyone in society was confused. the artists therefore took a chance to bring upon a new age and style of art. as adesuyo said, new ways of propaganda came upon the world. these were things such as movies and music.

catsayshilynn said...

The Age of Anxiety manifested itself because of the hard times Europe was experiencing that was brought up from World War I. After the war, Europe was put into an economic crisis and a new pessismistic view on life. The people wanted to know the truth since they have been tricked before, were now more educated, and more secular. New forms of art came up such as surrealism, dada, expressionism, and cubism. The new forms expressed the uncertainty people had about the world and how mixed up they were.

yvettem said...

The Age of Anxiety was a pessimistic time. At this time people were questioning the church and even their exsistence and why they were here on earth. Many people were confused about society especially after the wars. This led to modernism a form of art that showed things for what they truly were and not what people wanted to see. Many people just wanted what was real an not what was fake. Modernism showed what was really happening in society it didn't portray something fake and what the artist thought the people wanted to see.

The new schools of artisitc interpretation expressed their principles in different types of arts that had it's roots in modernism. They used different techniques to show how they felt. The new schools also used what they knew and what they saw in society as there influence.

I agree with Jenniferbee in how art at this time became pessimistic since at this time the people in Europe were surprised at how cruel humans could be. Artisits tried to portray this in their paintings since this was what many thought of the world.

I also agree with LaurenG On how she states that WWI and it's visuals left the People with little hope of progress. Before the war many people thought that their society was maybe not perfect but nice. After the war people found out what many people were capable of doing. All the tragdey caused people to believe they would never get out of this hole they were in.

Tiffany.t said...

The Age of Anxiety affected most aspects of life in the European countries. The stress and despair of the events occurring at that time are evident in the artworks as well as other mediums like photography and film. Previously, modernism portrayed happy, optimistic scenes while the new modernism exposed a sad and uncertain Europe. New art forms like Surrealism and Dadaism showed a different side of society. Dadaism was an anti-art movement that was against the ongoing war. The new movements considered themselves revolutionary instead of evolutionary. They depicted the events of the war, depression and other things not literally but in more artistic way and showed a broken down continent.

I agree with state of the union when they said that movements like cubism were meant to show the look of the modern world. They showed subjects as broken up, analyzed and then reassembled abstractly. This corresponded with the way people viewed the Europe and the world.

I also agree with Rico about modernism becoming more pessimistic to portray the age of anxiety. The works of art showed a disrupted, broken society that was opposite of the last couple of centuries. Previous literature and art showed a positive and hopeful society which contrasted to the those of this time.

catsayshilynn said...

I agree with mac12. The new uncertainties and curiosity brought up new ways of thinking and how they express themselves. The pessimistic thinking led onto the new art forms.

I agree with nartanna. People did reject the idea of Romanticism after the war. Romantics exaggerated the truth and that was not the new way of thinking.

lulu1193 said...

The time after WWI a.k.a The Age of Anxiety was a time when people in Europe artistically were being expressive. The type of art that was being portrayed was very negative yet more realistic. The Age of Anxiety manifested itself in modernism in a way of moving away from romanticism. The art changed from a optimistic point of view to uncertainty and disillusion. Feeling, detgail and thought were put into the art such as:nudity, fuave, surrealism amd cubism.

I disagree with ceenguyen because modernism did not work it way through The Age of Anxiety but the other way around. Modern view of Europe was being seen through the desperation of the people to reconstruct and have reverse it to pre WWI time.

I agree with Richard that modernism affected most of the people the lower and upper class, the art had a way of connection with their feelings. As well as showing how the world really is unlike the unrealistic art before. Art and the way it was shown footage, sculpture or paintings were to be used for various reasons such as expression or propagnada.

joannaisOG said...

The Age of Anxiety was a result of the Great Depression and World War one. Europe was so corrupted at this point, that nearly everything
they dealt with had a negative aspect on it. People were beginning to become so educated, that they began to question everything. Nothing was "rational" to many europeans at this time, especially those who followed the views of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was one of the most importantcritics of the rationalism of the enlightenment and such. Pessimistic views were sweeeping Europe. Other than the political aspects of the Age of Anxiety, art also played a major role during this time period. Realism was a big art movement that showed the real life of those during this negative time period. Realism had to do with life in the raw, irregardless of whether it showed the good or bad in life. The art was becoming a dark way of showing life during the Age of Anxiety.
I agree with State of the Union. He states that artistic movements expressed the ideals of this early modern era, which i support, since realism played a major part in this.

I also agree with Catsayshilynn. People were very mixed up during this time time period because of how educated they were becoming. They were very uncertain of thngs.

Unknown said...

In some ways, I think the Age of Anxiety manifested in modernism as a means to escape reality. With art that was abstract and reflected the human man's thought processes with less concern of the mundane things in life. It was also less concerned with the harsh realities to the war. Not only the war was affected people, the Great Depression and many rude awakenings from the previously more romantic world views or more optimistic were now filled with more pessimistic and realistic problems that the world was going through. People tried less to hide is like they used to, using everyday peaceful scenes. Instead they painted and portrayed real issues and causes that were important of the time.

Cindy said...

Oops, that earlier comment was send from another account.

In some ways, I think the Age of Anxiety manifested in modernism as a means to escape reality. With art that was abstract and reflected the human man's thought processes with less concern of the mundane things in life. It was also less concerned with the harsh realities to the war. Not only the war was affected people, the Great Depression and many rude awakenings from the previously more romantic world views or more optimistic were now filled with more pessimistic and realistic problems that the world was going through. People tried less to hide is like they used to, using everyday peaceful scenes. Instead they painted and portrayed real issues and causes that were important of the time.

Cindy said...

I agreed with Richard that modernism served as a wake up call for the people. It was a form of art that showed more of what was actually happening than what they wanted to be happening.

I also agree with nartanna. The Age of Anxiety left a negative impression on the view that society held. However, the art wasn't always depressing, but the topics that were touched were more somber and realistic.

Unknown said...

After the First World War the Age of Anxiety quickly became a the title of the era. The Age of Anxiety was a time period in which society frowned down upon nature. People began questioning the right of existence and religion. The thought of uncertainty entered the publics mind, reality became questioned numerous times. Morals and ethics of the paths of right and wrong had became a gray area. The philosophy at the time did not change most people still made efforts towards progress, reason and the rights of the individual, but the soon negative aspects began to fill the publics mind.

Due to the WWI, people’s perspective had changed on the aspect of the world. During the age of anxiety the movement of modernism became popular. Modernism focused on being distant from traditional art, literature, and way of life. The previous art movements weren’t cutting it. The movements such as Romanticism, that covered reality. This time period, Age of Anxiety, new art movements emerged included expressionism, sucessionism, fauve, cubism, dada, and surrealism. The forms of art included characteristics of the ongoing age of anxiety including insecurity, violence, and questioning. Modernism during the Age of Anxiety certainly had an impact on Europeans.

I agree with nartanna. The public didn’t take the idea of Romanticism to heart after the war. Romantics exaggerated, and wasn’t the best choice of path to go towards.

I agree with mac12 when he listed traits of Age of Anxiety such as insecurity, violence, etc. These thoughts defiantly affected dictators ways of thinking which resulted in the way they ruled their territory.

lizbethhhh said...


How did the Age of Anxiety manifest itself in the artistic style called modernism? How did the new schools of artistic interpretation express their artistic principles in their respective media (art, photography, etc).

well first of all modernism is defined as the theory and style of art that was in the beginning of the 19th century -mid 20th century.
it had been expressed in the feeling amoing the problems that were occuring throughtout the society.

In the WWI aka Age of Anxiety, art had been a main view in which there were a lot of changes in style. a lot of the views of the people had changed because of all that was occuring in this time. the art the age of anxiety had also made many forms that were created by the new pessimistic views.
like seccionists had disrupted the conservative values of the society of Viennnese and in which the men were also a very sexual being.

in the new schools of artistic interpretation had expressed their art in like music and movies and photography in which they were a big hit in the age of anxiety. propaganda had been put all over the place in which it had been displayed to publicity.

lizbethhhh said...

2 responses O_o

i agree with richard in that modernism was a form of art that showed the real world because artists had began searching new ways of visualizing and thinking about the nature, function and materials of art. this had all came when the invention of photography had appeared, thats when the realistic approach to sculpture and painting became unnecessary.

i also agree with adesuyo in the part in which she said that movies and music in that the public was more easily exposed to propaganda. this is in which people payed more attention in art and in the new forms, it was more attractive.

briaaana said...

During World War I, many people felt they were living in a strange, uncertain and uncontrollable world. They saw them living in an age of continual crisis. After the war, new and upsetting ideas began to spread through the population. Modernism referred through a period of the style and ideology of art during that era. Many art pieces portrayed experiences and/or events that occurred between maybe 1870's-1970's. Modern art grew out of a revolt against French Impressions. Some artists wanted to know and depict worlds other than the visible world of fact. Beliefs about God and religion was included in music. Radio and movies did not become major until later on, but became main entertainment of the masses until after World War II. They also became tools of indoctrination especially in countries with dictatorial regimes.

I agree with adesuyo when she talks about movies and music and how it can be exposed to propaganda. In Germany, Leni Riefenstahl directed a masterpiece of documentary propaganda, based on the Nazi part rally at Nuremberg in 1934. Radio became used effectively for political propaganda.

I disagree with mrn when she talks about rejection in general faith. In music, Soren Kierkegaard had a rediscovery of his 19th century works that led to revival of fundamental Christian belief after WWI. He believed Christian faith could anchor the individual caught in troubling modern times.

dijah=) said...

Modernism and the Artistic art movements occured after World War I.The war left the country devestated which led to modernism the age of modern thought.Europeans were going through hardships and artist started to construct things that would help the people out.The art before world war I now showed a Europe that was unrealistic to the people of the country.Many different art styles arose during this time period such as expressionism, secessionists, fauve, cubism, dada, surrealism, and bahaus.Each style of art was unique in their own way .some characteristics of these different types of art were bright colors,praising sexuality,and using many different colors to get a certain message across.Also photography became very popular during this period of time.

I agree with mac 12 when he says that "usually modernism was glorified and opptimistic until the age of anxity occured".Before this time period art in general showed happiness and portayed a society that was almost perfect.After the war the people of Europe were down.And the people of Europe feeling this way they potrayed it through the art.

I agree with Adam when he says that shapes were usued to show emotion.The different artist had different ways of doing this but they did it in a unique way.The art also could also be very abstract using things like a triangle for a womans body.Another example would be painting all different shapes and including a body in it.

sharonnxx said...

The disruption of World War l and collapse of "old order" that defined European politics resulted in the "Age of Anxiety". Numerous people felt despair, uncertainty, and anxiety with the continual crisis which led to the movement. After the war, new ideas began to spread through the population. Especially with art, individuals began to modernize their artwork. A new type of art emerged called Dadaism. It defied all previous artistic movements and was brought out from World War l. It attacked all standards of art and behavior. Many Germans felt resentment towards the war for going out of hand and also disgusted how their leaders betrayed them. This art movement made fun of famous artwork such as the Mona Lisa, it was painted with a mustache. Pablo Picasso established cubism with the help of Georges Braque. Cubism focused on a geometry of lines, shapes, planes, and angles. It tried to portray all perspectives simultaneously.

sharonnxx said...

I agree with adesuyo how she said the Age of Anxiety reflected the art presented in this time period. The AGe of Anxiety was filled with negative ideas and thoughts because of the effect of how the WW1 had on society. This age affected it socially and economically, that people began to feel a sense of confusion, doubt, and worry. This eventually affected how people began to view life, which changed art styles and behaviors.

I agree with soccer player that surrealism was one of the art movements that took part in the Age of Anxiety. Surrealism originated from Dadaism, which defined itself to reject any form of traditional art and emphasized on ridiculing well known artwork. Andre Breton was an important figure of the surrealism movement. He focused on accessing the unconsicous. Many people believed that the philosophy of rationalism had caused the corruption of WWl, thus reacting to Surrealism.

sharonnxx said...

I agree with adesuyo how she said the Age of Anxiety reflected the art presented in this time period. The AGe of Anxiety was filled with negative ideas and thoughts because of the effect of how the WW1 had on society. This age affected it socially and economically, that people began to feel a sense of confusion, doubt, and worry. This eventually affected how people began to view life, which changed art styles and behaviors.

I agree with soccer player that surrealism was one of the art movements that took part in the Age of Anxiety. Surrealism originated from Dadaism, which defined itself to reject any form of traditional art and emphasized on ridiculing well known artwork. Andre Breton was an important figure of the surrealism movement. He focused on accessing the unconsicous. Many people believed that the philosophy of rationalism had caused the corruption of WWl, thus reacting to Surrealism.

sharonnxx said...

I agree with adesuyo how she said the Age of Anxiety reflected the art presented in this time period. The AGe of Anxiety was filled with negative ideas and thoughts because of the effect of how the WW1 had on society. This age affected it socially and economically, that people began to feel a sense of confusion, doubt, and worry. This eventually affected how people began to view life, which changed art styles and behaviors.

I agree with soccer player that surrealism was one of the art movements that took part in the Age of Anxiety. Surrealism originated from Dadaism, which defined itself to reject any form of traditional art and emphasized on ridiculing well known artwork. Andre Breton was an important figure of the surrealism movement. He focused on accessing the unconsicous. Many people believed that the philosophy of rationalism had caused the corruption of WWl, thus reacting to Surrealism.

sharonnxx said...
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mariallamas said...

World War I impacted the lives of society as Europe tried to take a step forward and modernizing but with the constant crisis of wars in Western Europe. As many nations tried to estimilate their economy, society viewed the corruption whiched passed on in art. The Age of Anxiety protrayed a sense of revolutions among artist for the destruction of the government control and the affect of the wars. Artists included different aspects, angles, and reactions through an emotion. As psychonalysis became a famous ideal artists displayed surreleastic pictures. This new ways of artistic ways molded new forms of art that included Dadism, and Cubism other art such of surrealism involved during the 20th century. Arts schools represented the hardships of the world and used the diffcult times to show the stress on society.

2 Responses:
1. I agree with yvette, that these movements was a build-up of artist, philospher, and European citizens questioning their religions, methods, and politicians. This followed previous ideas and people began to see the nature of life through a realistic prespective rather then following the government or religion. Modernizing grew in nations that expolited many things that seemed corrupt.

2.I agree with TiffanyT. that people experience the difficulties of wars and the down fall of the economy so art portrayed thoes emotions of dispare. Arts was a reflection of Europe fighting among nations for power. It was a diffcult time with the Great Depression and the blame for Germanys debts.

Roosevelt said...

The Age of Anxiety was a time period of a whole new unique style of design and art. This time period was where people of Europe were more focused on art, design, and music other than battles or other conflicts. Modernism played a role during the time of the Age of Anxiety by the way it was modified. Many people have combined their own styles of art to create a more modern art form that fits with their emotions such who do this are students. The artistic academies and other forms of groups have spread the idea that many different art forms have been spread over the radio and also literature. Before people put their modernistic forms of art into their lyrics or forms of writings people used to create art with uncertainty, Disillusionment, sexuality, and also violence. An example would be the wars that occurred within Europe such as WWII, many artists have portrayed the military and government officials as bad people and not justly.

2 responses

I would have to agree with mac12 and all of the others who had said that modernism had glorified the Age of Anxiety for I too believe this. Also with mac12 he established with his writings that the artist would express themselves or their emotions within their art work for this is also what I got from my understanding with the artists of modernism and the Age of Anxiety.

I would have to agree with Adesuyo comments on how movies and the radio could contribute to gaining support by the people and a man who had used propaganda to gain the support of the people would be Hitler. Hitler’s use of propaganda and use of movies and the radio was made to grab the people by emotional stand points and by his promises of a better Germany.