Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog #7 (Unit 7)

What impact did growing nationalism have on the status of women? What effect did liberalism have on the status of women? Discuss the similarities and/or differences.
(Remember to respond to the question in 6-8 sentences (yes it can be longer) and to respond to two of your classmates answers in 4-6 sentences. Do not just agree or disagree without defending or justifying your argument.) Think above and beyond the common answers that you may see. Be sure to challenge your classmates with controversial tactics, actions or selections. Good Luck!!!! Go Mustangs!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

During the revolts across Europe women were promised many rights but were denied all even universal suffrage. Nationalism, in my opinion, did not dramatically increase or decrease the status of women. Nationalism, however, was personified through female figures just like our lady liberty guiding Americans to the west in the 1800’s which I find ironic as the movement only suppressed females. Nationalism only increased the respect of women if they were from a certain race. Many countries ranged in the extent of respect for women but in France an early form of feminism arose where women attempted to gain rights and vote but failed. This organization called themselves Voix des Femmes. A more extreme group called themselves the Vesuvians. This group demanded equality and not a few rights. In my opinion women who were conservative nationalists did not achieve much or were able to change their status.

On the other side, more liberal women or women during the rise and era of liberalism were able to pass laws and create the start to early feminism. The status of women changed when liberalism was introduced into countries not heavily enriched with nationalism. In my opinion nationalism held women back from even asking for changes in their status. Countries like England held women higher than countries like Germany because of the power women were granted. Acts like the Married Women’s Act (1882) and Universal Suffrage in countries like Norway, Finland, and England. this was because of liberalism that was politically encouraged mostly throughout north west Europe.

Both nationalism and liberalism changed the status of women. Liberalism, however, when encouraged politically, was able to fuel many movements for women in countries ,like Britain and the north west Europe, to come while nationalism suppressed the standing of women in country’s like France, Germany, and Spain.

ceenguyen said...

Liberalism society did not really impact women. Liberals did not allow women to vote, or gain any access to political activity. Liberals also have a complicating and difficulty working with feminists. For many women, having political rights would give priorities to women dramatically. Even though liberals don't give women the right to vote, and are not able to be in a political activity, they provided feminist with many political tools, and intellectual tools.

In 1894 the Union of German Women's Organizations was founded, they supported the women's right to vote, and improving women's social conditions, extending their rights of education, and their rights to other protections. The BDFK wanted the admittance of political activity, which included education, child warfare, charity, and public health.

All and all, nationalism and liberalism did not impact much on women's views, and rights. Even though liberals gave women the intellectual tools, and political tools, they did not improve the rights of women at all.

caracara14 said...

Upon what Jessica says according to women being capable of stepping forward during the rise/era of Liberalism, I completely agree. However, it did not allow them to vote immediately. That would not come until voting's main bloom in the United States of America where there would be an entire governmental system that rests on the shoulders of the people. The government in Europe that would be first to allow women to vote would be England, but that would still be a Parliamentary Monarchy.

As for ceenguyen's statement that "Liberalism society did not really impact women" goes against the main concept of Liberalism. It's concept is to be rid of all social classes, thus making EVERYONE EQUAL. Yet, I agree that Liberalism was not an OVERWHELMING factor in the progression of women's rights. We're still struggling with women's rights today. Also, consider that Liberalism is simply a characteristic in most governmental systems, not their entire infrastructure.

Nationalism was not very prominent in changing the status of women in society. Nationalism was created to cling to 'the old ways'. It's a form of patriotism and security, because it's concept is to keep things the way they are or were, which included keeping women's rights secondary to men's. So, Nationalism did little to nothing to help the progression of women in society.

Liberalism was a little more effective. Since it's concept is to make everyone equal, it helped forward the status of women. However, it did not help all problems that concerned the rights/status of women, because we are still struggling with those problems today, and Liberalim has dissipated, to an extent.

joannaisOG said...

Growing nationalism, i believe, had little to no effect on women in europe. From nationalism, their social status increased, and they did gain more credit to their name, but nothing else was given. Women were said to be given mutliple rights and such. Yet as time wore on, these promises had been ignored. Women's suffrage was one of the many rights said to be granted, although it wasn't until about 1893 in New Zealand that women started to achieve suffrage.
Basically, the only one's who had suffrage during that time period were property-owning men. The neglection of women meerly became stronger.
Liberalism, on the other hand, did have an effect on women. The impact gave women some of the rights they deserved. For the first time in europe, women were given a say in politics. Feminism was on the rise. Now, women were becoming politically active in being able to pass laws and such. Liberalism had a MUCH higher impact than nationalism, due to the fact that a say in politics had been what women were striving for for many years.

I completely agree with what Jessica Silva said on Liberlalism and how it granted women more rights. It was completely true when she stated that it was a start to early feminism.

However, i did not agree with ceenguyen. Liberalism DID in fact grant women access to political activity. Even though they didn't have a large part of politics as men did, they still had some part in it.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i believe that Nationalism did not impact the status of women. Nationalism mostly caused the industrial revolution, reforms in england, urbanization and intellectual movements, and the greek revolution. Women were not given as big of freedom as the men were offerd. However women were now offered more respect. In my opinion that is a lot to ask for because dating back they were treated like a man's trophywife. More female figures started appearing, lady liberty. Women did not recieve the freedom and liberty as the men did, they found this rather typical.

I agree with jessica because she said because of lady liberty it lead women to become more radical or suppressed. In France that women were becoming the most radical due to an outbreak of feminist. She said that a group of women came together and formed an organization called Vesuvians. However even though women tried to recieve more freedom they did not give it to them.

Liberalism mostly impacted revolutions, reforms in great britan, inspired german studentsto organize and impact prussian life, and russia had some reforms. Mostly the life of a woman stayed the same. They had minor effects such as: had more respect. Women on the other hand were impacted more than they were in Nationalism. Women were offered such as the acts on marriage. Some countries gave women more freedom than others. However, entirely women still did not recieve many great reforms.

i agree with ceenguyen because liberalism did suppress women from voting from grainting them political access. As always women were lead to believe that they were recieving a good amount of fairness and equality. However they were not, they were just trying to keep them quiet and not revolting. In 1894 just like she said women impossed the women's right to vote, to basically improve thier way of life.

amandazac'12 said...

Prsonally, I beleive Nationalism had little effect on women and their staus quo. Liberalism played more of a prominent role of altering women's suffrage and satus. In 1918 and in 1928 women were granted suffrage under Liberalism. However I think it is quite ironic that women's laws and social status was so low up until that rising because it is not accurate that liberlaism beleived ALL individuals should have equality? Perhaps this is just another exapmle of hypocrisy among history. All in all, the results of liberalism and nationalism on the status of women was very unaltered. If the question had been 'to what extent', Liberalism by far impacted women more in part because of its overall beleif in equality and because liberlaism gave women little leeway in politics.

I agree with ceenguyen. She is right in saying that neither liberalism nor nationalism had major impacts on the status of women. I especially like her support of the German Women's Org. I was unaware of that, and in turn that is supportive of the little change that did occur.

Although caracar14 was accurate on most of her given information I would have to disagree about what she says about the involvment of liberalism. Cindy was right, in my opinion. Liberalism did not make enormous strides to change for women's social standing and rights. If there were any alterations, they are extremely minor and probably not even worth mentioning. There is little evidence of change, and by looking at the big picture, as Cindy did, she is right: Liberalism did not really affect the stauts of women. Sure eventually women were given suffrage, that was much later thpough. Your statement about Liberlaism making everyone equal supports my theory that in fact liberalists strived for equality, little fairness was given to women. Is that just? No. just because a group calls themselves by a title and amends to fairness does not mean that practice equality to the fullest. I beleive many Liberalists did not live up to their title. Had they practiced what they preached women, children and men would ALL be on the same pedestal.

laurenG said...

Although the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 focused primarily on the working class of men and them revolting for their rights there was another group looking for a way to gain a higher status, the women.
Neither liberalism or nationalism gained the women a great amount of leverage when it came to voting or any kind of political/social things. Nationalism hardly changed the lives of women in any kind of way. Even though part of nationalism is grouping people based on the role assigned to them by history, for women it was ignored.
On the other hand although liberalism did not make women even close to equal as men they did gain a few more rights especially Britain. Britain was the leader in opening doors for women. Back in when Napoleon was ruling women couldn't own property even when their husband died, but in 1882 Great Britain passed the Married Women's Property Act which allowed married women to own property. It did only give married women more rights, but it atleast was a start for the women. Overall it wouldnt be until later when women really began to gain individual rights from liberalism while nationalism failed to help them at all, but liberalism was a good head start.

I agree with Jessica Silva on her opinions on nationalism. Nationalism was holding the women back. Britain hardly had any nationalism in their country, but was more liberalism based and they got much more done than any othercountry.

I also agree with joannaisOG. The women were able to pass rights with liberalism. Sure they didn't have huge changes that dramatically changed their lives, but just passing two or three laws is the start of something atleast and giving them confidence to keep improving and going on with that.

zaryn12 said...

Nationalism didn't really have a great impact on women. Nationalism was a way of self-defined people in government which in no way benefited the women of the European society. However, Liberalism effected the women. Liberalism wanted equality for all before the law. Equality meaning all men and women. So Nationalism, in my opinion did not effect the women as much as Liberalism did.

I agree with Jessica. Nationalism did deny rights and wasn't really focused on women. Nationalism was mainly focused on government rather than women.

I disagree with Ceenguyen. Liberalism may have not given women voting rights, but it did give equality to all. Liberalism also allowed self government.

RachelFaria said...

In my opinion, nationalism did not help the status of women. It made respect for women increase, but that’s about it. Nationalism was the belief that people of primary importance should be free of foreign domination, and most women weren’t of much importance back then. Liberalism, however, did, in my opinion, impact women. Liberalism was all about people being born free and god and equality before the law and everyone, including women. With everyone being treated equally women had a much more broad opportunity to succeed. That’s why in my opinion I think liberalism had a bigger effect on women then nationalism did.

Roosevelt said...

Throughout all of Europe their were many ups and many downs for women they were treated mainly as either domestic wives or working labor wives and this was totally un fair in comparing surcumstances with the men who worked in better surroundings and had better rights than women did. Nationalism brought more gratitude towards women but it will take a little longer down the line in history for women to fully be taken seriously as equal beings as men. Liberalism brought women to be able to use the oppurtunity to change their rights by makeing reforms to bring a change without using violence an example of a change or reform for women is the Universal Sufferage.

I agree with Joanna for she to has the same belief in which nationalism had little to no effect on the aspects of women getting any changes or new reforms occuring. Also she has the same belief that liberalism had given the women a chance to use their voices and have a say in politics.

I disagree with ceenguyen for she belives that through Nationalism and also liberalism their was absolutley no effect on women and no change to their status. I believe in nationalism playing little effect though for it gave people a way to show gratitude towards women and liberalism provided the voice for women and gave universal suffrage to pass.

RICO;p2012 said...

During the time of the Revolutions amongst Europe, the two views of nationalism and liberalism did little to sought improvement of women's status quo. Out of the two, liberalism would be the view that aided women in granting them suffrage rights and rewarded them with a higher rank of social status. Along with the liberalism, feminism was on the rise which granted women a small say in politics. But although the view of liberalism was supposed to consist of equality amongst all people it still for the most part, prior to the rise of feminism, neglected women.

Nationalism on the other hand, had little to almost no effect to the extent of assisting women in climbing the social rank of society in the 18th and 19th centuries. Women during the belief of nationalism were continually looked over and weren't given any credit for their achievements. Overall liberalism had a MUCH greater impact on women of our history and made them strong and able to achieve greatness in the near future.

2 student resonses:

I definately agree with Amanda Zac. The statement that she made about liberalism having very little imapct on European women is definatley the same as my opinion. We both noted that between nationalism and liberalism, liberalism was the one view that helped women to a short extent. For example, women were given suffrage rights.

I can say that i disagree with laureng's statement that women gained no leverage from either liberalism, nor nationalism. Although their leverage gain from liberalism fell short on the social rank, still some new rights were given to women that had not been in the past.

cheyenne b. said...

Nationalism did not have a great affect on women because it did not help the women socially. It did not want to improve women socially or grant many things to them. Liberalism on the other hand, wanted all individuals to be equal before the law. It forwarded the status of women because it believed in equality for all. Even though the two are not identical, they are both compatible. They are compatible in the fact that they had they both wanted civil liberties and economic freedoms, but although they had the same ideas, the ways they believed were not the same.

I agree with Jessica Silva when she says that nationalists only increased respect for women in a certain race. They believed that ethnic groups would be determined to consider nations.

I disagree with carcara14 when she says that liberalism made everyone equal. It may have helped women gain more equality but women were still deprived of some rights that they should of hadd.

Anonymous said...

I agree with joannaisOG when she states that liberalism had a much higher impact on women than nationalism. It was the idea that people could use the government to achive their goals that sparked hope and power for the women during this time period. Women probobly fealt more comfortable around these ideas because it did not steryotype them to specific roles. Society itself had become more open minded due to the workers of liberalism.

I agree with everyone as they point out the legal gain for women was little or none.

mariallamas said...
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mariallamas said...

As nationalism spread across Europe, women status weren't drastically impacted by this ideal. Women in Europe were still domestic, while men were encouraging this movement. Some French women did gain some few freedom such as an education and more job opportunities in larger cities. Women became unsatisfied by small changes that they created feminist groups. Women tried to enforce female equality but they were still treated domestically.

Liberalism, i believe had an small amount of affect on women society but still greater then nationalism. In the era of liberalism, women formed feminist groups to discuss and revolt equality. In Britain, the national union of women suffrage societies were formed to go against the parliament and later were granted voting rights. Women rarely showed violence, they got attention for equality but still they were treated as women. Men were afraid of the a women intellectual capacity on voting, which held them back from truly developing in political movements, ideas, and votes.

In both Liberalism and Nationalism eras women got attention for wanting right in society and in some liberal countries laws were passed to support them. Although the liberal ideals expressed and helped women focus on equality by forming feminist groups. Nationalism was the start of women getting involve in political issues.

I agree with Joanna, that women weren't greatly affected by liberalism or nationalism because men were always superior. Women were neglected through most of history, and men weren't going to allow women to vote. Women also seem to become more politically active because they wanted a say in parliament rather then holding back. And all women wanted was rights and they achieved it in some countries.

I agree with Danai because nationalism was the start to the industrial revolution. It mainly focused on the working society and the jobs women contributed to. As well as liberalism in the revolutions of 1830 1848 but i felt liberalism did more to women society then nationalism

nartanna said...

Nationalism did not cause as big as an impact as liberalism. However, in some since, nationalism could have helped encourage the women to fight for equality. Nationalism is building a country based on a common interest. That characteristic could play a part in helping the women society to feel a sense of belonging. As for liberalism, the liberal society had put forth many struggles for the feminists to overcome. From these challenges, the feminist were able to learn new political tactics. However, after all of these plannings, some feminist groups such as The Women's voice still had no progress in there social status. In conclusion, both political government effect the women status much; it remained the same.

nartanna said...

I agree with what mariallamas said about the effect of liberalism on the women status. It is true that these feminist group tried to use violence to gain the public's attention. However, they either lost support from some of their moderate women or were hopelessly stopped by the government. Men were scared of the possibilities of women, therefore like what stated by Frances Power Cobbe, the women should approach the men with kind words to get them on the women's side.

ceenguyen said...

I agree with Jessica Silva and how she pointed out the universal suffrage, and what she said about nationalism only increased the respect of women, but didn't change there rights.

I also agree with caracara14 nationalism did not really impact anything in women society. She also talked about how liberalism was a little more effective on women's society, but did not necessarily give the women's anymore rights then they usually had.

nartanna said...

I disagree with caracara14 that liberalism had helped the women to come towards equality in any extent. The liberal society did not give women the authority to vote or access to any political activity. Liberals believe giving women rights was a disadvantage to them. They did not care for the rights of women to any extent.

Angel said...

During the revolutions in europe, it looked as if women were finally going to have more rights than before. However, nationalism did not have a big impact on the status of women because it focused on bringing back the old regime which had women below men. liberalism, which focused on equality for everyone ,didnt have a big impact on the status of women, but it had a bigger impact than nationalism did. liberlaism influenced women by inspiring them to speak out. liberlaism helped women with many political tools. they still werent allowed to vote, but liberalism gradually helped women to be able to vote,like in england. I agree with jessica silva because women who were nationalists didnt achieve their goal of changing their status. i also agree with joannaisOG because liberalism helped women have an opinion in politics.women started becoming more politically active, which changed the role of women in society

Gbogo Adebayo-Ige said...

I don't believe nationalism had a huge impact, if any, on the status of women. Although liberalism didn't have an immediate impact, it would gradually produce results much later.

At the time of the mid 1800s, women were still inferior to men in almost every aspect of life. There were expecially three major areas in which they were lacking: family law, property rights, and education. This also resulted in employment difficulties for women. This eventually led to the rise of women feminists. However, even male liberals in Catholic countries were reluctant to grant women rights because of the possibility of benefit to the political conservatives, this dilemna also existed in England and Germany. In the long run, feminism spread throughout Europe and countries such as Britain passed laws such as ones allowing women to vote.

Liberalism in the end had a bigger impact on the social status of women than nationalism. Also, liberalists such as John Stuart Mill stated that women deserve liberal freedom in his book The Subjection of Women. This could've impacted to women's drive and movement to improve their social status, which proves that liberalism had a bigger impact on their social status than nationalism.

Gbogo Adebayo-Ige said...

I agree with nartanna when she stated the impact of nationalism was smaller than the impact of liberalism. I also agree with her when she stated nationalism could've had a bigger impact than it did. Nationalism is the identity of a group or culture within a state. I belive this ideology could've, like nartanna said, "given the women more identity." With this they would've put together a better movement for women's rights than they did.

Gbogo Adebayo-Ige said...

I agree with Angel when he said liberalism had a bigger impact than nationalism. Liberalism gave women the tools to help them gain universal suffrage just like the men. Nationalism could not achieve this for the women because it had more to do with cultural identity than freedom, like liberalism. Eventually, women got to vote in countries such as Britain and Norway.

Tiffany.t said...

Both Nationalism and Liberalism had different affects on the status of women. Although in my personal opinion I believe that Liberalism had a much greater affect. Liberalism is partly defined as the belief in equality before the law and the liberal women of the nineteenth century made it their goal to achieve equality and suffrage. During this time period the first wave of feminism hit parts of Europe. Certain acts and laws were past and allowed them to accomplish some of their goals for women.
On the other hand, Nationalism did little to help women attain the equality they so badly desired. Nationalism focused primarily on what was best for certain countries like who should rule and where the boundaries should be rather then on individual groups within the country.

I would have to disagree with ceennguyen. I believe that liberalism had a huge impact on society. For instance, it was the liberal movements in countries like England that allowed women to obtain universal suffrage in 1918 and 1928. Liberalism also impacted women’s status because of acts like the Married Women’s Act.
I do agree however with what caracara14. Liberalism did not have immediate affects on women. The liberal movements and actions did take time to have a full influence on the status of women in Europe. It also didn’t solve all of the problems women were facing and still hasn’t.

dijah=) said...

In my opinion Nationalism didn't have much of an impact on women.Women still weren't looked at as equal to men, and were still denied many rights like the right to vote.Eventhough it's said that many rights were granted those weren't really set in effect until much later.Though men was often seen superior than women the respect for women ranged throughout the different european countries.In my opinion liberalism had more of a impact on women then nationalism.Women were more agressive and alot more women groups were formed like the union of german's women organazation which was able to get more laws passed.Also sense one of the goals of liberalism is to elimlinate social classes and make everyone equal this heleped women on their journey to the rights they deserved.

I agree with Jessica silva when she states that its ironic how Nationalism was personified through female figures, but they supressed females.I agree with this statement because they could appreciate women to make them the face of nationalism ,but they couldn't appreciate the everyday women.yes, women had some rights but most people didn't respect them and they didn't really go into effect until much later.

I agree with caraca 14 that liberalism was a little more effective since it's concept is to make everyone equal.I agree with this statement because eventhough they might not have believed in women rights they wouldv'e still wanted to reach their goal of equality for all.I'm not saying that liberalist were supporters of women's equality but it deffinetley helped.

briaaana said...

Nationalism, the policy asserting the interests of one's own nation, and making it better. Nationalism didn't really focus on the social status of people, I believe. It was more focused on the upgrade of the nation. But, Liberalism, a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual focuses on the equality of everyone. If they wanted freedom, women was curious on how they can be equal also. Therefore, I believe liberalism had a more impact on women, than nationalism.

I agree with zaryn12 because she also stated that liberalism wanted equality before the law. Liberalism was focused on equality.
I also agree with soccerplayer because he explained the women's drive in liberalism.

sharonnxx said...

Conservatism was enforced throughout Europe, but other forms of government were spread such as nationalism and liberalism. After those "ism's" were spread and informed by many individuals, they got inspired and started to affect how they ran their nation. Men were widely impacted by this change of society, but women were not affected as much as men. Only Britain's women movement was somewhat successful than the other nations. Millicent Fawcett was the leader of the National union of Women's Suffrage Societies and believed Parliament would give women voting rights only if they proved to be helpful in political activity. The National Union gathered half a million women in London and her husband, who was a cabinet minister, supported women's suffrage. Emmeline Pankhurst was the leader of of the Women's Social and Political Union who allowed suffragettes to publicly and privately allow voting to women. Although Britain somewhat achieved, France and Germany failed. French feminists did not resort to violence, and couldnt organize big rallies. The French CHambe of Deputies tried to pass a bill granting women's right to vote, but the French Senate defeated the bill. In Germany, they did not allow for german women to be involved in political activity. No one in Germany was interested in extensive political rights, women were unsure their voice would get heard if they asked women's rights to them. Nationalism and liberalism had barely an impact to women.

megnee said...

In the 19th century, liberalism and nationalism were on the rise. In this time period, women also had social barriers. women used these risinging movements to help them gain rights. Due to Liberalism, women began to agitate for the right to vote and participate in government and law making. The ideals of women's suffrage developed alongside that of universal suffrage and today women's suffrage is considered a right. Nationalism during this time, did not help women as much as liberalism did. It really did not help them move up in social classes or show that that were equal to men.

I agree with Jessica Silva. She states that natationalism did not make a tramatic effect of the womens cause. She also says that their adaptation to liberalism helped them vote and to have a say in the diffent laws.

I do not agree with ceenguyen. She stated that Liberalism did not help women gain the right to vote. however this statement is not true. I will admit it was not an overnight thing, it took some time. But there uses of liberalism resulted in them gaining the right to vote and to have a say.

Stacie Ann said...

I believe that both nationalism and liberalism didn't impact the status of women very much. Women were still domestic whereas men supported the idea of nationalism. Nationalism did not help women socially and were often ignored, but they did gain more respect. Liberalism had a slightly greater impact on women than Nationalism. Women were able to own property after the Married Woman's Act was passed. They became more assertive to gain more rights for themselves and formed feminist groups. Although liberalism impacted women more than nationalism it still had little effect on the rights and status of women.

I agree with Jessica Silvia on the opinion that nationalism didn't really focus on women. They were usually ignored and did not get credit for their achievements. They also were denied many rights and weren't treated equally to men.

I also agree with laurenG on her idea that Britain was the leader for creating more opportunities for women. In 1882 Britain passed the married woman's property act which I mentioned in my response. It only benefited married women, but it was a step forward in getting equal rights for all women.

sharonnxx said...

i agree with Tiffany that nationalism did not affect women at all. Nationalism primarily focused on the nation and the general people, but not specifically to women. nationalism was based on the unison of individuals in a nation, language, culture, etc. It did not target women in anyway, but focused on the whole nation.

i agree with soccerplayer that although liberalism did not help women's right as much, it made a huge impact later in time. Although in Britain, the suffragettes failed to have the government's attention, resorting to violence, in 1918, British women could vote over the age of thirty. While in France the women's movement failed for the bill to pass by the French Senate, but after World War II french women were allowed to vote. Because of these movements, women were continuously getting heard of and eventually achieved their goal.

adam cardon said...

I believe that Liberalism had way more of an effect on women than nationalism. Nationalism first off, only used the image of lady liberty like the one the painting "liberty leading the people". But that was only case in which women were given any benefit of doubt because in reality nationalism has nothing to do with breaking sexist barriers. Its just about uniting the people of one race or language. Liberalism however is a great example of women getting rights. Places like england passed the women's act to make sure equality happened for real. The seeds of feminism were also planted with the frenchwomen during the revolutions of 1848. They were able to communicate with men in their country about their cause for equality.

I disagree with ceenguyen that liberalism did nothing for women. It is the spark that caused the femineist movement. Women then started workers movements. Also without liberalism none of things women formed and got power never would of happened. It also was strong in helping pass laws pass for women's rights in england,norway,and finland.

I however agree with amanda about nationalism having no effect and liberalism having an effect on women. Nationlalism only wanted rights for people to a certain race. Lberalism was the exact opposite as in it wanted all people to be equal in rights. Even like she said this did not happen at all untill 1918

Anonymous said...

Nationalism and Liberalism had very little impact on the status of women. The Status Quo was still in effect.

Nationalism did very little, because it mainly focused on reforming the government into the people's favor. Women's however did gained some degree of rights through the suffrage in 1918 & 1928, however after that the rights of women withered away for the time being.

Liberalism on the other hand had a bit more success in certain countries such as Germany. The Union of German woman's Union was formed in 1894, which supported many key rights that were left out for the women. Some of these rights were the to vote, improve the social conditions for women in the work field, and education.

However, Liberalism had many suffrage movements in several countries. The only problem was that most were for the male counterpart such as in Italy, Universal Male Suffrage was released in 1912, and in Germany Prussia, the Universal Male Suffrage was enacted in 1850. There won't be a female one until the years that were stated in the previous paragraph.

All in all, Nationalism and Liberalism both had a few successes in women rights, however the amount of effort put into the male rights were much more and out number the female side thus only had a small effect.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jessica Silva on how Nationalism more or less suppressed the females rather than assisting them. I also agree on how Liberalism had a much more greater impact on the women's role than nationalism.

I also agree with ceenguyen on how both liberalism and nationalism did not have a big impact on the women's roles, however I must disagree how they did not improve women's rights at all. There were some measures that were taken in order to satisfy the female side, thus showing some improvment. It wasn't great, but it was still more than none.

catsayshilynn said...

Nationalism did not actually effect the status of women for it focused on helping the nation just as a whole rather than the individual needs. Liberalism had slightly more of an impact because it did focus on the individuals. The purpose of liberalism is to gain equality for all and going against the Old Regime. The liberals wanted to give the people more mobility in society. All partially applied to women. For example, the Married Women Property Act, it allowed wives to own their own property. In Britain, the Reform Bill of 1832 doubled the percentage of the population to become voters. Later, Europe begins to move towards providing women more privileges and rights as they deserve, but during the time, they were still domestic bodies.

I agree with LaurenG because of her stance on liberalism. She's talks about the small impact it had. I also agree with how she states that Britain was more advanced in the subject than other countries.

I agree with soccerplayer and mariallamas. They talked about the fear that men had about giving women equality. They are scared of what they are capable of and want to keep themselves as superiors.

adesuyo said...

Nationalism and liberalism had little impact on the status of women. However, liberalism did have a greater effect on women's status opposed to Nationalism.

Nationalism kept things fairly traditional. By keeping things traditional, this meant that women's rights were still considered to be secondary to men's rights. Women were still considered to be below men under nationalistic views. The only way nationalism impacted the status of women was that it increased the status of women, but only women of a certain race therefore nationalism had little impact on the status of women.

Liberalism had a greater impact on the status of women. Women were able to pass laws and they basically had some say in political activity. Since liberalism intended to have a more equal society, it recognized that women deserved more rights which helped the status of women to rise.

I agree with Jessica Silva that both nationalism and liberalism did somewhat impact the status of women. Although liberalism was more effective and helped movements arise, nationalism also tried to help women's rights as well. I agree that conservative nationalist women did not achieve much because they were still too traditional.

I disagree with ceenguyen because liberalism did have an impact on the status of women. Although it did not have a great impact, liberalism allowed women to be more politically active in the society. Women's status increased due to that reason.

Jenniferbeee said...

In my opinion, nationalism didn't have a great impact on the status of women. The sole purpose of nationalism was towards domestic affairs, and overall, women still did not gain the rights they deserved, such as to vote. Women were still looked down upon, even though nationalism was meant to better the nation as a whole. Women weren't really given a part in society, and weren't credited for what they were capable of. The most women got out of nationalism was that their social status increased a bit.

Liberalism, in my opinion, probably had a bigger impact on the status of women, because it focused on equality before the law. It was the start to an early feministic movement, and led to suffrage rights for women.

2 responses:
I agree with zaryn12, because they said that liberalism had a bigger impact on the status of women than nationalism. I would have to agree because all in all, nationalism wasn't focusing on the status of women but more on uniting a nation as a whole.

I partly agree with nartanna. Nationalism AND liberalism didn't really affect the status of women. But in my opinion, liberalism probably had a bigger impact than nationalism. It may not have been big, but it was a start, leading to feminism and more suffrage movements regarding the status of women.

Unknown said...

In the nineteenth century, nationalism, in my opinion had little effect on women’s lifestyle in europe. With the birth of nationalism women’s social status didn’t increase a great amount but increased nonetheless, but noticeable changes weren’t in sight. Although they were promised numerous rights, time pass and that promise was soon forgotten, and women barely gain from it. Possibly the biggest impact if it was made was “Universal suffrage”, unfortunately only “Male Suffrage” was made and women were left in the dust. on the other hand the some what definition of nationalism is building a country based on a common factor whether it’d be culture, history, language. which in the long run could have given a little initiative towards women in gaining political equality.

also occurring in Europe, Liberalism was bursting onto the scene, and did in fact have a greater impact on women on the rights they rightfully deserved. women in politics came about more commonly resulting in being able to pass laws. And by having women pass laws that benefited women, Feminism was slowly coming about. Liberalism in the end impacted women to a high rate than nationalism for the fact women got more actively participating in politics.

I agree with nartanna when she stated the impact of nationalism was smaller than the impact of liberalism. A point I agreed with is how nationalism should’ve inspired women.

I disagree with ceennguyen. I believe that liberalism had a great deal of impact on women’s society. For instance, it was the liberal movements in countries like England that allowed women to become more active in politics

lizbethhhh said...

What I believe is that nationalism didnt really have a huge impact on the status of women.Since like nationalism was based on the idea that all the people's identities are defined by their connection with the nation. It didnt give them their fair rights that they deserved.though,men were for sure given the rights and had supported this movement.

but liberalism had a bigger support for the women rights. they were the ones that believed in the equality in the individual's natural rights.they had hoped to protect the rights of individuals by limiting the power of the state and bu emphasizing the individual's rights to enjoy theyre deserved rights. John Stuart Mill had been also inspired by his wife,ON THE SUBJECTION OF WOMEN, where it states the arguments that are in the favor of the full equality of women.

nationalism and liberalism had both some accomplishment in the rights of the women. though they were still not given the samee equality that they had desired.

lizbethhhh said...

my twooo responses:)

1. i agree with catsayshilynn that the liberals wanted to give the people more mobility in society. it was the women that were not being treated fairly and were coming to a time, when they were finally given those rights.

2. i agree with Jenniferbeee that nationalism ddid not give the total rights to the were the ones that were mostly given those rights that women had waited for. women were not known to be on the top stage as men.

purplegirl said...

In my own opinion nationalism realy didnt affect women that much. Mostly due to the social classes between men and women. But i do beleive liberalism have impacted in the status of women in a way. Even though it didnt give female suffrage and women's right to vote. But it gave women beneficial roles in politics and government.

2 responses

i agree with Ceenguyen caracara14 and that women were more credited in roles of polotics. Yet they werent given the right to vote. Even though they werent given the right to vote they still arose a little in social class in the intelectual level.

JamesLee said...

In Europe nationalism did not impact women. Nationalism only increased the respect of women only from their social status. Nationalism only impacted Frenchwomen when they tried to demand for equality between men and women. Both middle-class and working-class got involved in this organization. The more radical groups were called the Vesuvians. They demanded full domestic equality and if not then they would "erupt like a pent-up lava"
Then they were thoroughly defeated and their efforts went downdrain. Then they were forbidden to participate in any political with themselves or with men. With this nationalism did hardly no effect on them.

Liberism also impacted women in Europe where they also wanted to have equal rights. Liberal women were a little more successful where they were able to pass some laws. Liberal women were able to get more education, vote, and get equal rights. While some other countries gave women more freedom wtih marriage. Liberism basically impacted more than what nationalism did because of the more members that joined to support it.

Nationalism and Liberism did impact women but nationalism had no effect where liberism had a little more affect. In my opinion i think that nationalism wasnt successful because of how violently they wanted there same rights where as liberal women acted moderate.

I disagree of ceenguyen of how she said that liberalism did not impact women. Liberalism did at least help women by having the same social status and being equal.

I agree with jenniferbee about how nationalism did nothing to women. They got treated less because of how they violently reacted which then caused women to have less rights.

Cindy said...

In nationalism, female figures were used to rally the people, like Lady Liberty, etc. However, while many women right's group tried to reform for more equality, nationalism tried to cling onto more of traditional roles for the women. The reason being is because the women are needed to stay home and be mothers and wives to fuel a more nationalistic and cultural feel.

However, liberalism is more of the opposite. By definition, liberalism tries to grant equality to all, not just men. Women did advance using liberalism but not much.

While both nationalism and liberalism affected the status of women, the overall gender issue was still unequal.

Cindy said...

I agree with Jessica in the fact that nationalism only help women gain respect as women, but they weren't granted any power.

I agree with caraca'14 on the ideals of liberalism. It' true that liberalism strives to grant equality to everyone.